She Orders

Simple Acts of Kindness: Finding Peace in Helping Others

In our busy lives, it’s easy to get caught up in what we need to do next. We rush from one task to another, often forgetting to stop and look around at the world and the people in it. But sometimes, it’s the unexpected moments that remind us of what’s really important. I’ve learned that organizing our lives isn’t just about keeping our homes or schedules in order; it’s also about making room in our hearts for others. Just like cleaning out a cluttered room can make us feel more at peace, reaching out to help someone can clear away the noise of everyday life and bring us a deeper sense of joy. This story is about one of those moments, a reminder that a small act of kindness can be a big step toward a life filled with more meaning and connection.

Every morning, I wake up with a goal: to live my day with purpose and to be open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I try to be alert to the opportunities to do good, but sometimes I wonder if I’m really hearing a divine message or just following my own thoughts.

On this particular day, everything seemed normal. I finished my work meetings in the afternoon and decided to grab something quick to eat. I didn’t have much time before my next appointment, a video call in the evening. That’s when I noticed something unusual in the parking lot.

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Parked next to me was an SUV with its windows down. Inside, there was a man sitting by himself, looking down. The heat was almost unbearable, and I couldn’t help but think about how uncomfortable he must be. As I reached for my car door, I felt compelled to check on him as his face was showing the signs of a hard life. I call out, “Hey—Hello, excuse me, are you ok?” His frailty is unmistakable, a vivid reminder of the vulnerability that comes with age and illness. Responding with a voice colored by a slight accent, he reveals, “I had dialysis,” his words carrying the weight of his struggles. With a gentle pull, he draws back his shirt, unveiling a bandage that conceals the port—a stark testament to his ongoing battle.

A surge of empathy washes over me, prompting an offer of comfort. “Oh wow, oh okay. Are you thirsty? Would you like something to drink?” His affirmation comes quietly, yet it’s his next action that catches me off guard. With two fingers, he points to his eyes, a silent message that speaks volumes. “I can’t see,” he confesses, solving the puzzle of his averted gaze when he first raised his head to speak.

I went back into the restaurant and got him a bottle of water, making sure to open it slightly so he wouldn’t struggle with it. When I handed him the bottle, he asked me who I was. I simply said I was someone who noticed he needed help. His gratitude was heartfelt, and as I drove away, I felt an overwhelming sense of joy. It was as if I had done something truly meaningful, not just for him, but as if I had helped a friend in need.

This wasn’t just a random act of kindness. It felt like a confirmation of everything I believe in. I’ve always felt called to help others, to use my time and what I have to make a difference. This encounter was a powerful reminder of that. It showed me that our actions, no matter how small, can carry a lot of meaning. It’s not just about the physical help we give but about showing compassion and connecting with others.

Before we move on to the conclusion, let’s reflect on a few thoughtful questions:

  • Have you ever walked past someone in need because you were too busy or distracted?
  • How can small acts of kindness help us find more peace and purpose in our lives?
  • In what ways can we apply the idea of decluttering, not just to our homes, but to our way of living, by focusing on what’s truly important?

This story teaches us that being open to those moments of connection can not only change someone else’s day for the better but can also bring us closer to living the life we aspire to. It’s about finding balance between taking care of ourselves and being there for others, recognizing that in giving, we receive so much more.

The Conclusion

In the end, life is richer and more fulfilling when we open our hearts to others. Through simple acts of kindness, like offering a drink to someone in need, we find clarity and peace. We are reminded that our true purpose goes beyond our daily tasks and into the realm of human connection and compassion. Let this story inspire us all to look around and see where we can make a difference, to use our time, resources, and abilities to spread kindness. In doing so, we not only help others but also bring more order and joy into our own lives.

Click here to read our previous blog post The Unexpected Encounterr: Discovering Spiritual Lessons in Everyday Moments

Author: Sheila Agnew


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