A good friend of mine (who will remain nameless) is an organizer, too. She is also a doctor and spends most of her time teaching others how to save lives.
Recently, she asked me to help her regain order in her home. My friend–Dr. X, I’ll call her–has extra stuff she’s managing along with three newly-added house guests—one age 5!
Out of desperation told me, “I’m embarrassed, but I need your help!”
I love the service I do with She Orders. I assist clutter queens (and kings), hoarders, procrastinators, those facing Depression, early Dementia, and those perpetually out of time.
5 Reasons Why People Are Not Organized #3–You Don’t Have Time for It
Whether you are a 9-to-5 workaholic or a caregiver for someone elderly or young, you may look at clutter and find yourself saying, “I don’t have time for this.” You go on to attend to your most urgent duties. Meanwhile, as time passes, the dirty, dusty, and filthy accumulations become campgrounds for germs and allergens. If you are pressed for time, it is best to get in touch with a local home organizer.
Dr. X suffers from reason number 3 out of 5 reasons why people are not organized.
Accumulating stuff doesn’t happen overnight. You do not wake up one morning after having clutter mites invade your home in your sleep. It happens over time. One client said it best: “I bring things in, but I’m not taking anything out.”
Dr. X has a passion for helping others. She shops Thrift Stores and Consignment Shops to donate or resale items to individuals in need of professional wear. Unfortunately, she rarely has time to post or coordinate her idea.
I lent her a hand. Our work together was amazing! We took bags and a closetful of potentially donated items and prepared them for distribution.
My additional assistance with several other decluttering projects helped get her home and ideas in order!
“Due to a decrease in our livable space, we had clutter that had become distracting and disheartening. Even though I am generally an organized housekeeper, paper, books, and clothes had gotten out of hand. She Orders came over and, with my stated goals in mind, divided the work and stayed focused until our time was up. I was also assigned projects that I could do to continue the progress. Best of all, Sheila’s focus and objectivity made for a pleasant partnership. The experience brought results, peaceful surroundings, purged closets, and boxes, and a doable plan for the next steps. Oh—and did I mention the sweet potato bars she brought?!!”
Resources: 5 Reasons Why People Are Not Organized
Sheila A.O. is the owner of She Orders, Organized Space, and Customized Meals with love. Sheila, uses humor, education, and inspiration to create an environment of love Sheila (nickname “She”) resides in Zebulon, NC.
For organizing and custom meals, visit www.SheOrders.com Facebook @SheOrderswithLove